镀金池/ php培训列表/ filemtime php

filemtime php

分类:php培训培训 作者:镀金池 发布时间:2016-07-05

Dec 29, 2002 - int filemtime ( string $filename ). This function returns the time when the data blocks of a file were being written to, that is, the time when the

<?php echo filemtime(\"test.txt\"); echo \"Last modified \".date(\"F d Y His.\",filemtime(\"test.txt\")); ?> 输出 Last modified February 14 2006 132246. Search

Feb 14, 2006 - The filemtime() function returns the last time the file content was modified. This function returns the last change time as a Unix timestamp on

Aug 7, 2016 - Getting last modification date of files in directory using PHP filemtime($file)); echo \" $file last modified on \". $mod_date; } else { echo

(PHP 3, PHP 4 , PHP 5) filemtime -- Restituisce l\'ora delle modifiche al file. Descrizione int filemtime ( string filename)

Nov 18, 2016 - if (time()-filemtime($filename) > 2 * 3600) { // file older than 2 hours } else <? php // outputs e.g. somefile.txt was last modified December 29

We can get the last updated date of any file by using filemtime function in PHP. This function returns date in UNIX Timestamp format and we can convert it to our

May 10, 2016 - filemtime() is the key here. But I\'m not sure if you can get the last modified date of a remote file, since the server should send it to you Maybe in

The filemtime( ) function returns the last time a file\'s contents were changed/fileatime, filemtime( ) at


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